
Time Is Not the Enemy

Image Credit: Pixabay

 It’s important to acknowledge that our time is finite, and we need to use it wisely. Though, being reminded of this can cause us to panic. The hourglass is always draining away, yet there is always more left for us to get done. In the modern world, there is such an enormous pressure for young people to succeed and ‘make it’ before it’s too late. This imaginary deadline is instilled in us from an early age. It often leads to desperation for instant success or some kind of shortcut in an internalised race against time - a mindset that is unhealthy, yet all too common.

Whether the goal is career-oriented or based on mastering a skill, everything worth achieving comes attached with a process. The process can be long or short but shouldn’t be overlooked for the sake of prioritising time. The journey should not be neglected in favour of the destination.

Constantly running against the clock to reach each objective is frustrating and stressful. Time is a currency, but it is healthier to see its expenditure as an investment rather than a cost. To reap the biggest rewards of its investment, it is best to be as present in each moment of the process as possible. It is in these moments making up the journey that character is built, and growth is achieved. This pays off in the long-term and can sometimes be more valuable in than reaching the goals that we initially set for ourselves. Moving at your own pace and owning your time as a resource to distribute freely is a powerful mindset to adopt.

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