
The Key to Seizing the Day

Image Credit: Mental Floss
“It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.” – Aristotle

 The thought of your morning alarm shouldn’t make you flinch or despair. It should be a beacon for a new day and a new beginning. It should be exciting! Waking up early is a powerful experience and recognising this can change your mentality towards the rest of each day.  

By being up to greet the new day, you give yourself ample opportunity to seize it, and this can make a huge difference to your levels of motivation. Starting the day right by waking up early in the morning is the key to making the most of your time.Although this change may be ambitious, it can be achieved gradually. Set yourself a target time (6:30 am, for example) and gradually wake up 30 minutes earlier until you reach this target time. This change, alone, can have a dramatic impact on your productivity and overall outlook on life.

Image Credit: Mapio

Waking up late has the same detrimental effect as procrastination, except the impacts are more long-term. The lost time can stack up. Ever planned to start an essay at 6:00 pm, but, when you next check the time, it’s already 6:10 pm? Oh well, guess you’ll have to start at 6:30 instead, right? The problem with this is that you’ve lost time that you could have used productively. You’ve tripped at the starting line, and your performance in this race has already suffered. This is what happens to your productivity each day when you wake up late.

Whilst nothing feels better than a well-deserved lie in,regularly waking up late means that you miss out on the empowering perspective that comes with the morning. This can limit your productivity on a daily basis.Instead, you begin the day with the unshakable feeling that the world around you is already in full motion. You’re playing catch-up. This can create the mentality that you’ve missed your shot, and it’s too late to turn the day into a fruitful opportunity. But then, every day is a do-over, and every morning is a chance to start it right.

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